Food: Tinoes or...

I hope all of our American readers are spending this memorial day wisely. Since it's change of calibration date, from the 30th to the last Monday of the month, the day has had a decrease in recognition (seen only as a three-day weekend).
Let us all pause for a second, setting aside our political differences, and think of those who have served and died in our nations name. Maybe a brother or sister or friend? Or like in my case, grandfathers, and great grandfathers.
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.
-Moina Michael (1918)
Monster trucks are, in my opinion, a big piece of American history. This great American pass time started one clear night in 1981 when Bob Chandler and his “Bigfoot” roared as it smashed a line of cars for hundreds of curious onlookers. It did not take very long before others started to build monster trucks of their own, and one of those just so happened to be Grave Digger, a masterpiece creation by Dennis Anderson , in his hometown Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina.
Since Anderson there have been six other drivers of this beast ! Grave Digger has always been a family favorite. Gravedigger was completely different than all other monster trucks, with its unique body shape and awesome paint job. This was and is a serious monster truck! I remember when I was younger going to see Grave Digger with my dad, I had the honor of climbing up one of the huge tires. I was on top of the world that day, literally, my world was monster trucks and those tires were the instruments for doing one of my most favorite things, smashing stuff! Without further a due, here is a video of Grave Digger smashing a bus, repeatedly! (as for your musical selection this morning, notice George Thorogood's 1982 classic, "Bad to the Bone" playing in the background of the video, sorry, can't put this one on itunes!)
Today I would like to talk a little bit about hangnails, yes those sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes fun to pick at little beasties on the sides of your fingernails!
Contrary to what we call them, “Hang Nails”, they are actually pieces of skin! Skin that has dried and separated from around the fingernail or cuticle area (see illustration).
Now there is one main way to prevent hangnails, and that is by not letting your hands dry out, this is especially hard during these summer months, as you may or may not know about already, I personally did not know about this, because frankly, I've never thought about it.
A way of keeping your hands from drying out is by wearing a plastic kitchen glove filled with water and tied around the wrist with either string or a rubber band. This is an age-old Tinos family home-remedy for beautiful looking hands, that is why you've never ran into a Tinos family member with disgusting hangnails that catch on clothing articles.
A more conventional method is by applying moisturizing lotion to your hands frequently throughout the day. The choice is yours, but don't come crying to me if the latter doesn't work worth a damn.
If you find yourself stuck with a hang nail even still, the “best” way to get rid of it, as prescribed by “Alice” (from , is:
“As soon as you notice a hangnail, soften your skin by soaking your hands in a water-and-oil solution. Then trim the hangnail with a pair of sterile, sharp cuticle scissors. This will help deter the nagging tendency to want to pick at or chew off a hangnail, which can create a bigger tear and increase your risk for infection.” ( )
I however, enjoy biting and ripping them out with my teeth then I spit them somewhere in the room. They will never be found. This process is a lot quicker and more efficient.
Now, a manly song for a typically womanly topic: The Offspring - Nitro
the itunes generation keepin the ball rollin, constantly!
I keep a eating journal for my own personal enjoyment. Sometimes I find myself eating the strangest things in one day, it will vary from Mexican food to Chinese food and maybe throw in a burger two. HA, what a strange thought, right?
Well here is what I had for today:
Dear Journal,
Today for breakfast I had frosted mini wheats for breakfast, I think the origins of these tasty little things is the United States of America.
Dear Journal,
Today for lunch I had a sandwich from the sandwich shop. It had three types of cheese (which were from Italy, France, and America) lettuce, pickles, mustard (French) and the bread was French, too. And there was also some turkey that I presume was born and raised in America, but I honestly could be wrong. So I would say the meal was mostly French.
Dear Journal,
Today for dinner I had barbecued chicken and potatoes and peas. This was definitely an American dinner. I bet no other country has barbecue's, and if they do they are probably no where near as hawt as they are out here on the West Coast of Califa. Out here we top the whole country in barbeque's, and thats the truth! Its because our heritage is the gold rush and those cowboys knew they had to be tough and had to throw big barbecue's to show the other gold rushers who was the best barbecuer in the new land.
Dear Journal,
As a summery of the day I see that I hardly ventured any further than America for food. But seeing as I had a French lunch that would hint toward my being a fairly liberal thinker, which I am proud of. Thank you and goodnight.
Uh, heres an mp3 for the ipod to keep you interested, I know you don't read too good out there in “music blog land”.