02 May, 2006

I Need Sunshine

[image credit Photojunkie]

Anxiety has me scattered and frustrated lately, with a hideous five-in-eight-days stretch of final exams set to begin within a week. I can't sit still, I can't produce anything, and I'm generally feeling crazy. I realized, then, that it was no coincidence the three bands I listened to repeatedly yesterday were Arcade Fire, Constantines and Wolf Parade - a telling Canadian troika if ever one existed. Now, the nation's indie-rock renaissance has been chronicled exhaustively, but let me quickly express my gratitude for the aforementioned three artists.

While these bands have obvious sonic differences, they share a remarkably similar (dare I say Canadian?) mentality. One may jangle and another may rumble, but there is a deep and intense underlying concern in the music of all three. Never has catharsis sounded so good or so believable as in Funeral, and never has an intensity maintained such force as in Tournament Of Hearts. And really, the heart is the metaphor here, the varied music tethered by the instinct associated with the vital organ's beating and bleeding. To wit: the Constantines are romantics forever on edge, Wolf Parade is upset and disarranged ("This Heart's On Fire" says it all), and Arcade Fire is simply unsettled. While this certainly isn't unique to Canadian bands, I don't think anyone displays their uneasiness better, with more captivation or passion. Less abstract than Sufjan's musing and broader than Okkervil's Black Sheep Boy, the only American counterpart that springs to mind is The Moon And Antarctica. I know, these artists (and an entire nation) are big names to throw around, but my point is that I'm glad. I'm glad such moving, relatable music is being made right now and I'm glad it's being recognized. It's exciting, and in a way it's essential. I'll stop rambling and give you some music from these three groups as well as some Wolf Parade-related songs you may not have heard yet.

These tracks are available at this excellent Wolf Parade site. Buy Wolf Parade here, Sunset Rubdown here, Constantines here, and Arcade Fire here.

The Runout Groove has some more Tournament Of Hearts for you.


The fifth Contrast Podcast is up now, this week's theme being color. The closer? Yours truly. Like Gagne if he wasn't always hurt. Check it out.


Blogger Tim Young said...

Hi and thanks for being the tail of CP5. An inspired choice. Hopefully we'll see you again in a future CP once all the exams are over! ATB, Tim

02 May, 2006 07:30  
Blogger Kyle said...

Can you please re-post the Sunset Rubdown songs?

That would be most fantastically whimsical of you.

Merci pour ton blog.

28 March, 2007 07:00  

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