25 April, 2006

The Greatest War in American History

Hey there loyal B+A fans, Tino here holding it down for all you interested in essays outside of the classroom. I hope Brian had a nice time perusing (I use this word in the way Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel finds unacceptable; quickly glancing over)1 through northern Europe and what not. So I will get right to it.

-- The Civil War --

The American Civil War was the “greatest war in American history” -Civilwar.com I whole heartedly agree with this because the fire arms from this time period are quoted as being “beautiful” by one Army of Mom.2 Army of Mom also points out that womans clothing from the time was “so cool” but goes on to say that it also made her glad to be living in the 21st century, apparently the clothing looked uncomfortable. I don't know if I agree with this point, I mean, I've got some poor quality clothing in my dresser drawers and it is pretty uncomfortable even being made in the 21st century. During battle there were a great number of different flags flown, these flags along with the blood and guts and dirt and flames made for a very colorful war, it must have been just like a painting out there, so serene and peaceful. It truly was a great war for America. Anyways, enough of my opinions, lets get back to what Army of Mom thinks. Army of Mom felt that locks of hair found on the battle field and put in the museum that she visited was “bazaar” but in actuality it is nothing of the sort. I just happen know this lesser known fact about the civil war: Lovers at the time would trade locks of hair to pin next to their hearts before the men went off to war; photographs were expensive, a medium we take for granted daily, so instead of a photo to keep near, most soldiers (and their loves back at home) would carry a lock of hair tied up in a ribbon as a remembrance. The Civil war spanned from 1861 to 1865, during Abraham Lincoln's presidency, but sadly Mr. Lincoln was not able to see the triumphant ending, he was killed by a murderous villain named John Wilkes Booth on April 14th 1865, just about a month before the war's official ending when the remaining confederates surrendered. Luckily John Wilkes Booth got his on April 26th 1865 in some tobacco barn. Shot dead. All in all about 650,000 Americans died in the civil war, disease killing more than half of them.

1 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/peruses
2 http://www.armyofmom.com/2006/03/civil-war-museum.html


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats sweet about the hair

26 April, 2006 09:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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13 November, 2006 05:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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13 November, 2006 05:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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13 November, 2006 05:56  

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