13 April, 2006

The Moon! The Moon!

Johnny And The Moon is Dante DeCaro, and Dante DeCaro is part of Wolf Parade. These, his solo songs, do not sound much like Wolf Parade. Johnny And The Moon forgoes the intensity, opting instead for a loose, grinning sound. "When You're All Alone" shambles and rambles, a mountain music jukebox playing Dylan, drunk. DeCaro sings weary through a smile, his friends and his instruments don't even bother, bouncing happy and yelling happier.

The most spaced of the three, "Kid Heaven" makes for a wonderful dream transition, it's pure air. "When the morning tore the skyline/ I was counting stars from death-light/ When the range was black and white/ We were ghosts." And so it goes.

RIYL moonshine from the still, porches and banjos, the moon (natch).

Visit Johnny And The Moon's MySpace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=http://hgbpsrmp.com/eyij/klwn.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://lddutahe.com/vbqo/eqju.html]Cool site[/url]

30 September, 2006 11:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://hgbpsrmp.com/eyij/klwn.html | http://lyueicke.com/hzpy/gpgs.html

30 September, 2006 11:12  
Blogger Kat said...

Amazing band - thanks for these.

08 May, 2007 04:03  

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