29 March, 2006

The Fretwell Ems

Vacation time, suckers! I'm off to the Netherlands and Italy, I'll be back... in the future.

I got my Stephen Fretwell album today, spun it while packing and ended up lying in bed, looking up. I think it's "Emily" that did it to me, a song I want to sing to a girl named Emily, sweet and sincere like the rom-com I wish my life were. Because I stay up all night thinking of this stuff, and Magpie can be my soundtrack. It's a type of music I'm just becoming aware of - nice to listen to on my own, somewhere in my head, but probably even nicer to listen to with somebody special (this hasn't been tested, but I'm 90% sure it's true).

Stephen Fretwell - Emily [mp3]

Visit Stephen online, where you can hear a few more tracks from the album. And buy Magpie here.

See you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how if you search for regina spektor at hype machine its pretty much all you buddy. back soon?


29 March, 2006 22:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two posts, i know....

so i fell in love with the 'samson' song when you posted it on valentines day

i got a puppy over spring break whose name is samson! there is a photo on theo's facebook.

theo mentioned the biblical samson, which i didnt know about

because i know you loved the song as well wondered if you could write something up about what you think the song means- a lot of stuff made sense when i read the samson bible story.


31 March, 2006 13:42  

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