31 March, 2006

Windows in Dutch

I'm in the Netherlands (Lisse?), just back from a sweet battle of the bands (championship round!) in Haarlem. We were supporting a friend-of-a-friend's band, Jurango. Good guitar rock that made me smile and move, a lot more fun than the two metal bands and the funk band and the big band. I'm glad I don't have pictures or sounds, because they wouldn't translate. It was a reaffirming live music experience: the building of atmosphere and tension, and a million little releases. It was a good show.

I look forward to writing about Regina Spektor's "Samson" for Heather. Why do I feel more pressure to write well now than I do when I write for the newspaper? "Eeep."


Blogger Satisfied '75 said...

good times, man. i backpacked over there while in college in the late 90s.

03 April, 2006 19:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
[url=http://pmzseiiq.com/ynyd/snml.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://whgxyorh.com/vefc/kasn.html]Cool site[/url]

31 October, 2006 20:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit

31 October, 2006 20:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
http://pmzseiiq.com/ynyd/snml.html | http://txzwhjcq.com/merx/bngx.html

31 October, 2006 20:58  

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