26 April, 2006

S.S. Avalanche

Sufjan Stevens - The Henney Buggy Band [mp3 removed]

Somebody commented on the song's original Stereogum post:

Any truth to the rumor the Sufjan shot his load all over Illinois and not rosie thomas?? Seriously, can he save a good song or two for the next state?

Funny as this reads, it really does voice a concern of mine. How is this man so consistent? Are my worries unfounded? He hasn't hinted at slowing and his output is of uniformly good-to-great quality, the closest thing to a wunderkind we've seen. Perhaps more than my worry that Stevens will lose steam, I fear that I'll begin taking him for granted. In my college career alone, he's released three of my favorite albums. At this point not only do I expect Rhode Island or Oregon or Nebraska (slight problem with that one?) to be excellent, but I expect The Avalanche, nothing more than demos and rarities, to be fantastic as well. Demos. I'm not sure if that's fair - there's certainly no other artist I dare demand this much of.

All that aside, "The Henney Buggy Band" is a cool, slinky number, a late-night street-light song brought to life by Stevens' impressive cast. It sounds like a production, too: instruments entering one after the other, all short, jumpy notes, never still except to let Stevens' ghost-falsetto ring. "Forget about yourself and all your plans," (I think). As before, his lyrics are at once stunningly personal and impossibly allusive - for all the references to obsolete motor companies and runners in Bloomington, the song remains about us. And that's what saves it from becoming a dry history lesson - the allusions are just a vehicle (ha) for Stevens' story about kissing you on the face, on the playground.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing, but I recall when Sufjan did the song, "Lord God Bird" for NPR. He just wrote an amazing song about Arkansas out of nowhere. I think he is just a song producing machine and that is it.

26 April, 2006 15:04  
Blogger shane said...

When I was living in Berlin, he did a radio show there, and he said he figured he'd pass the project on to someone else after a while. Kinda like Zorro I guess. He's got to find someone good enough first, and I'd like to nominate myself... Well, maybe not.

27 April, 2006 10:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i, too, am amazed at his prolificness (not sure that's a word, but you know what i mean). just today i played illinoise and yesterday i had a hankering for michigan, and every b-side/outtake out there i've picked up is great, too. he's a genius.

27 April, 2006 17:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

regarding his passing the project on: this is obviously why he needs to make a baby with rosie thomas

28 April, 2006 14:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
[url=http://tgncdxtr.com/ghwb/tvli.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://tvdagggb.com/ybrm/udem.html]Cool site[/url]

31 October, 2006 20:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://tgncdxtr.com/ghwb/tvli.html | http://errwhpof.com/anyc/njus.html

31 October, 2006 20:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://tgncdxtr.com/ghwb/tvli.html | http://errwhpof.com/anyc/njus.html

31 October, 2006 20:58  

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