14 May, 2006

Thinking Of A Dream I Had, vol. II

The areas between 30-35 degrees north and south of the equator are called the Horse Latitudes. Something like subtropical doldrums, they were named so because ships resorted to killing the horses in cargo for food upon becoming stuck in the light winds.

During a nap yesterday I dreamt of returning to these warm, dry climes, walking a long and straight highway from north to south, asking people I passed how far the Horse Latitudes were. "Soon" is, I think, what they told me, and I kept walking. Only, there were Santa Ana winds blowing against me, and I sneezed and my eyes itched, just like back home. I guess that means I was pretty close, though I don't remember making it home (34 degrees, 25 minutes North).

This song is where my dream came from, as it had been mentioned before I passed out. Listening again, it's a little strange hearing such a young B&S. It's almost too twee for my taste (though that wasn't the case a few years ago), but there's nothing more lovely than hearing Stuart Murdoch sing "Judy and the dream of hooorrrses" as the organ kicks in and the song picks up momentum in the last minute.

I've come across the term Horse Latitudes in various geoscience classes over the years, every time making me struggle to recall where I first heard it. It was an album, which I had until recently been attributing to the Dirty Three (but that's Horse Stories). No, it was quintessential emo group the Promise Ring, who I never wholly embraced despite my former passion for the genre (it turns out I just wanted to hear pop music - without the incessant preciousness and varying tunefulness). And this song - it sounds just like I remember the Promise Ring.

Visit Belle & Sebastian online, and buy If You're Feeling Sinister here.

Visit the Promise Ring online, and buy Horse Latitudes here.

Thinking Of A Dream I Had archive.


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