10 June, 2008

Waxing Philosophical (I'm Sorry)

I, and others, I suspect, have begun purchasing vinyl in lieu of CDs. The LP's praises have been sung by others before: large, beautiful, warm and deep-- we know, we know. And archaic, though that always seemed to me a tricky appeal. There's nothing inherently better about outdated technology-- that's obviously backwards-- but I'll be damned if that kind of thinking wasn't responsible for many a vinyl purchase. Now, though, I feel we've reached an interesting point with regard to vinyl's relevance: it's as unsophisticated as ever, but relatively speaking, it's as good as anything. I've got stacks upon stacks of CDs which haven't been played, or even opened, in years. In a room in an apartment in a city I don't live in anymore-- and I'm not eager to lug them anywhere soon. This is what I'm getting at: they might as well be LPs. Now, when any album is free and easy on the Internet, able to be enjoyed in the same immaterial capacity we've embraced for years (don't lie!). Now, when all the vinyl I want comes with a nice letter and a certificate for the album as mp3s anyway. Now, when the act of purchasing music in any physical medium seems like the most unnecessary and sincere token of appreciation. I hope this catches on; already Insound has declared this to be vinyl month, and more and more labels are repressing and sticking download certificates in 12" sleeves. If you've even considered buying vinyl, make the switch; at the very least it's a refreshing experience, if only for it's strangeness. And I think we're all in agreement that what music needs most right now is a refreshing experience.

Most recently I bought Fleet Foxes' self-titled album, which to my surprise and delight came with the Sun Giant EP on a second slab of wax. And, of course, a coupon for a free mp3 download.

Like I mentioned earlier, Insound has really gone the whole nine yards with their vinyl promotion, including the announcement of their new LP+MP3 program. Figure it out.


Let me officially re-welcome Dan to the site. Did you know Canadians make music? Check with him if you want to know more.


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