The Contest Winner

congratulations to Patrick Hayden, proud new owner of the Walkmen's Pussy Cats... starring the Walkmen cd/dvd and a limited edition silkscreened poster, signed by the artist
Here are the responses I liked best:
This song has the drunken shamble that the Walkmen do so well, and the "Louisiana" horns I love so much.
from Here Comes The Night
This was my second-favorite response, a superb album that displays an energy the Walkmen could match. As the commenter noted, Hamilton's howl would suit a young Van Morrison's wonderfully.
To hear the Walkmen play "What Makes You Think You're The One" would be special, and I'm surprised they haven't already adopted "The Ledge"'s goofy bounce.
When you're done snickering, consider how well it would work.
This the most Walkmen-esque song in the B.S.S. catalog, and one of their best anyway. I'd really like to hear the band cover something as momentous as this.
Proclamations like "You'll be sorry you didn't ask why" could easily have come from a Walkmen song, only they'd have more sting and conviction.
I'm sorry I don't have an mp3 of this, but I'll say it's got all the right ingredients: the swagger, the energy, the awesome vocals (Rod Stewart sang in the Faces). It's the best fit, and it's not one that came to my mind quickly.
Jamison was right, Matt Barrick's drumming is an absolutely perfect match for this propulsive number. Have you ever seen Matt Barrick drum? He bounces (gleefully). Of course, if they played this song they it would intensify, and the bounce would be in full effect.
Yes, they've already done "There Goes My Baby," which is close enough in my mind, but they do it damn well.
Thanks again to all who entered! I didn't dare dream of such a success.
The Walkmen's Pussy Cats... is out now (stream it!) (buy it!), here's another track: