23 July, 2006

The Indiana Tree

Did you know John Cougar Mellencamp is from Indiana? Me neither. I certainly didn't know anything else about the state's music scene, at least until I received Delicious Berries, a compilation of Indiana bands from the wonderfully extensive Musical Family Tree archives. And honestly, I am beyond impressed. I wasn't familiar with any of these groups (aside from mentions around the Internet of Margot and the Nuclear So and So's), and to find that not only are they all competent and interesting, but also that there is a kindly coherence to this compilation, was quite rewarding.

If McLusky came up from the Hoosier State, rather than prydferth hen Cymru, we'd get something like "Peace Attack!" It's got the indispensable unhinged vocals, and the energy (check that exclamation point), but the insistent thumping in the beginning soon gives way to a unique and sweetly haunted groove. As is apparent throughout the disc, there's a definite charm working here - despite channeling Andy Falkous, there's nothing threatening about BIGBIGcar's assault.

I'm posting this because the vestiges of my love for the Anniversary compel me to. Heidi Gluck - more like Mrs. Josh Berwanger! That's right, folks. You absolutely care. Again, the charm creeps in: sunny, jaunty strums mismatched with a long, thin voice, and all we can do is smile.

What do I like most about this song? That it's maybe the sweetest thing here, which is saying a lot. It floats on atmosphere, twinkles and little swells, a dance in the deep of the night.

Buy Musical Family Tree's Delicious Berries here. Also, check out what Eric's written over at Marathonpacks.


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