22 July, 2006

So Necessary

Quickly: did anybody grab the Walkmen doing "Another One Goes By" from this Rolling Stone exclusive? It isn't working anymore (perhaps it never did?) and I was late to the newspost about it, so if you owners could share I'd appreciate it ...with money (not really).

Also, I bought a magazine called Magnet because it had an article on the Walkies. It played an odd angle about the band as a bunch of aging dads, but while I wasn't buying that I still enjoyed it. Specifically, this line about the band's upcoming "Pussycats" Starring the Walkmen, which touches on the interesting (and admittedly minor) issue of the band's supposed cockiness:

But like everything the Walkmen do, it will be smart, it will entertain them, it will pay the rent, and they'll feel good about that.

It's true. This band is unusually (and also transparently) self-serving. But this sentence gets it just right, the way their music is inarguably their music, and there's nothing ungracious in that. Because in the end it entertains us, too, and there's something exciting in knowing that it simultaneously has nothing and everything to do with us. It's the genuine article, it's the band - nothing more - and it wouldn't exist, like next month's rent, without us.


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