11 January, 2008

Poetry Aloud

Mr. Z. Pennington, whose work I find fascinating and (it follows) whose opinion I value, has lauded Family Fodder as one of the most important and overlooked bands in post-punk history. His description of the group (long defunct) and its leader, Alig Fodder, betray a fan's passion: brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! So when we learn that his Society plans to release Fodder as part of their conceptual Pregnancy series, it's impossible not to share his excitement.

Listen to the insistent staccato note that runs through the song-- a ticking clock; a clucking tongue.

She takes her clothes off in a bus
She doesn't want to make a fuss
She susses what there is to suss
She takes her clothes off in a bus

She takes her clothes off all alone
And strips her skin back to the bone
Eyes, lips, teeth, hair and mobile phone
Death and the maiden all alone

Listen to the progression: the beach, a tree, a bus, a car, a void, my dreams. A cloud, alone. In the tension I can't tell if we're zooming in or out.

äbytalk, the sixth installment in the Pregnancy series, is out in limited numbers on Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figurative Meaning
Line 1: The speaker states that society and the government are suppressing the people of the country and are making them fearful and anxious.
Lines 2-4: The speaker states that people are hiding from the government and are afraid to speak out against them. Society is trying to erase all mistakes and make a lot of changes.
Lines 5-6: The speaker states that people being suppressed want to speak out but are all too fearful, they hesitate to make a stand
Lines 7-8: That speaker states that he wants people and himself to be the ones to shout out and stand up against society. He wants to fight back and make a change and he is trying to get others to follow with him
Lines 9-14: The speaker states that even those who usually stand up and fight are backing down and are afraid of being the one to say something among all those who aren’t saying anything. Everyone has forgotten their voice and refuses to try and change things
Lines 15-16: The speaker states to come with him where the changes are the most drastic and speak out.
Lines 17-20: The speaker talks of the society trying to get them to be quiet. When one person stands up, many are sure to follow, so the society is trying to stop them from voicing their opinions. They try to stop them but the speaker knows it is important and his followers keep fighting as well. They don’t let society stand in their way.
Lines 21-22: The speaker states ‘what if we are to do all this fighting and come out empty handed. What if no one follows us or what if we don’t make a change?’
Lines 23-24: The speaker states that it doesn’t matter if they do not make an immediate difference. They will know what is truly right and that it was right of them to stand up for what’s right. They will come out more knowledgeable and will continue to fight until changes are made.
Lines 25-30:

11 January, 2008 10:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The perfect prelude to the upcoming Magnetic Fields. Insightful lyrics, strange instruments and DISTORTION.

15 January, 2008 17:22  
Blogger Unknown said...

Starting today and running until May 15, 2008, the music media and social-networking website WOOZYFLY.COM will be hosting an unsigned band contest entitled WOOZY IDOL, offering all unsigned bands a chance to win a $150,000 RECORDING, DISTRIBUTION, and PROMOTION contract.
woozyfly.com to learn more about the contest.

24 March, 2008 18:59  

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