02 July, 2006


Thank you to all who have expressed interest in submitting music to this site. While I realize I am terribly finicky with music sent my way, I'm working on it. And, of course, I listen to absolutely everything I am sent. I'm glad to say that I've got a stateside mailing address now, and can accept more physical submissions. If you're interested, take a look at this page and fire away.



Much of what I'm sent is nothing if not interesting. Outstanding (or standing out) lately was Old Erie, the name of a boy who knew how I love Phil Elverum. At his best, his songs hiss and press like the former Microphone's, the everything of everything (nature's wind, surf, warmth, etc.) passed through a lo-fi tape machine and reduced to pure, symbolic abstractions. Enjoy this, the first song from the King Crow EP, which is available for free download at Old Erie's Goodnight Elk Records site.

Visit Old Erie online, download and donate here.


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