25 June, 2006

The Best Album of 2006, If You're Me

The year's half over, and as with all these type of "events," it's time to get reflective: I'd like to discuss an oh-six album which has impressed me consistently (I would say "held up well," but it's only been a few months).

Josh Ritter's The Animal Years is a funny little album, which, I suppose, stems from Josh Ritter being a funny man. Ever-grinning, youthful and entirely too gracious for a rock star, he composes engaging, folky songs with enough nuance and wonder to keep them from becoming even remotely cliched singer-songwriter saminess. In a way, Ritter is an idol to me, though not in the traditional rock n roll sense - I am interested in the man and his music on a much more personal level. I identify with him in what feels like an entirely unique, circumstantial way, which is more than anything a reflection of where I'm at in my life.

Beyond (and because of) enjoying his music, I've read a number of interviews with Ritter, and it's safe to say he's remarkably genuine in person and on record. His ideas and approach I find incredibly interesting and similar to my own; expressing doubt and compassion and love with a heart that's at once generous, warm and honest. As I said before, he's sweet: this is gracious music. Now, I know that kind of thing isn't for everyone, and that's why I feel strange recommending this as the best album of the year so far - it seems so suited to me that I can hardly regard it any other way. I mean, it sounds fantastic, and Brian Deck's done a beautiful job exposing and embellishing Ritter's self-described "weirdness" in his music, which is nothing but endearing. But I've gotten such a complete experience from the record that this doesn't even begin to do it justice, and to try to do that would be silly anyway. I'll just end by saying that I regard this as a very special album, one that I'd like to share though I understand if it doesn't hit you the same way it did (and still does) me. Please give it a try though, stream it in its entirety and pick it up, go to a show if you like it. And I hope you do.

Read what I had to say earlier about some Animal Years songs here, here, and here.

Visit Ritter online and buy the album here.


Blogger Kevin said...

I have to give you a nod and agree with your comments and opinion that "THe Animal Years" is my album of the year, so far as well, with Iarla O Lionaird's "Invisible Fields" being a close second. However I suspect that M. Ward's and Ray LaMontagne's discs (both, I believe will be released in August) to be at or near the top, come years end.

27 June, 2006 11:26  
Blogger The World Forgot said...

I guess I'm coming in as a third voice that says Ritter's album is consistenly impressive. I'm not sure if you could put it up for album of the year yet, but it definitely is up there.

And you hit the nail on the head with regards to the intagible but genuine quality that Josh seems to possses.

27 June, 2006 14:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The songs are so melodic. Hem opened for him in NYC.

"last night there was a horse in the road
I was twisting in the hairpin
My hands held on my mind let go
And back to you my heart went skipping"

It's those moments that remind us we're alive.
Thank you Josh Ritter.

28 June, 2006 19:50  
Blogger R.E.M. Borja said...

I concur.

29 June, 2006 17:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give us our boston the way we like it

29 June, 2006 23:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you can prove to me he's related to the late john ritter, i'll listen to it

30 June, 2006 11:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


08 July, 2006 09:59  

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