30 November, 2005

The Mountain Goats

One problem with being in the UK for a year is that I can't bring a lot home with me. Unfortunately, I'm in the land of 7" singles, which I collect, and have to resist buying loads of vinyl everytime I'm in Avalanche. But I had to get the new Decemberists single, 16 Military Wives, because I'm a completist. The b-side is a demo of "From My Own True Love," which is cool, but I'd rather have one of the new songs from the Picaresqueties sessions. I guess I'll just have to get the cd single. Anybody going to the Colin Meloy solo shows want to pick me up whatever solo EP he's hawking?

Also at the record store for cheap was The Mountain Goats' Tallahassee, my favorite of their albums, and lucky for me, one I don't own. Calling it a concept album seems a bit funny, but that's exactly what it is. The concept being a failing relationship, fleshed out over 14 gorgeous and honest songs. I could easily pick any track and rattle off some amazing lyrics, but I'll leave it to this:

"I don't mean it when I tell you/ That I don't love you anymore."

A couplet which encompasses all the frustration, desperation, resentment and dependence the Alpha couple experience - a fitting farewell and one hell of a heartbreaker.

The song's I've posted today are from one of my favorite ideas in music, John Darnielle's "Going To..." series. I'm a sucker for geography and acoustic guitars, even if the songs are only ostensibly about different places. Hey, I think I've just explained my Sufjan Stevens addiction!

The Mountain Goats - Going to Scotland (hey! I'm in Scotland! yeah!)

The Mountain Goats - Going to Port Washington

The Mountain Goats - Alpha Double Negative: Going to Catalina

Ever wonder what albums Mr. Darnielle would recommend you listen to? Behold! He's listed them for you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont forget!
he blogs


30 November, 2005 19:16  

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