29 November, 2005

Kings of Leon

Why do people think Kings of Leon are a joke? I like both of their records, I don't care if they have stupid hair, and I don't care if they sound like the Strokes. Hell, I like the Strokes! So what's the deal? "The Bucket" is sublime - witness:

From Aha Shake Heartbreak:

Kings of Leon - The Bucket (recommended!!)

Will this end up on any of the ubiquitous end-of-year/best-of-year lists? Probably not.

Bonus video! This is one of my favorite music videos, directed by the great Patrick Daughters:

Kings of Leon - The Bucket (video)

Yeah, that guy's hair is pretty stupid. For further reference, check out this Music Cherry post and grab "Four Kicks."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah, his hair is alright. ya, know robert smith's hair has always sucked but no one thought the cure we're a joke. i think the next kol record will establish them as something more. granted, i always kew they were serious. seriously good!

29 November, 2005 13:51  

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