01 May, 2007


I loved Apologies to the Queen Mary because it went for the throat. It was upset and animalistic, at its best when it was most concise. I had a hunch then, but after getting a taste of Sunset Rubdown and now Handsome Furs I can say it was Dan Boeckner who was responsible for the most affecting (to me) parts of Wolf Parade.

There's a line in Wolf Parade's "Same Ghost Every Night":

I go out walking
Just to find my own breath, my own breath
Through the pines

echoed here in the wonderful "Snakes on the Ladder":

I go out walking
My own feet
And I might sing,
'Don't bury me'

That right there is exactly it, the beating heart and the unsettled mind. Enjoy.

Handsome Furs' Plague Park is out May 22 on Sub Pop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm black, fresh and i rap, plus i'm rich!

01 May, 2007 19:52  
Blogger Craig said...

Good choice sir. Handsome Furs are wonderfully amazing. Personally I prefer Sunset Rubdown, but Handsome Furs are very close.

If you don't have it already, Sing! Captain is up on my blog for your and all your readers' pleasure.


08 May, 2007 18:58  

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