23 December, 2005


I won't be updating for a wee while, so check out these great blogs that I've recently discovered:

Clever Titles Are So Last Summer - Strong, honest work.

Motel de Moka - Moka is eclectic and awesome.

Ear Farm - They posted British Sea Power's "Lately," what could be better?

Enjoy the food and the presents and the company and everything else you've got, see you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wheres all da rap music?


25 December, 2005 21:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, happy Christmas!


25 December, 2005 21:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Blogger

I ran acrossed your blog and this post caught my eye. I thought I would stop and take a look.


check out record streaming video

28 December, 2005 17:00  
Blogger marc said...

nice blog man.

01 January, 2006 10:10  

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